Travel bags means a kind of bag customized for the travel, it’s convenient to pack daily necessities or anything you wanna bring around.
According to the type of travel bag, it can be divided into backpacks, handbags and duffle bags. And we can also divide them into mountaineering bags, daily bags and short-distance travel bags on their purpose basis. Mountaineering bags have two sizes: large bags and small bags, and large bags are available in two types: the outer frame and inner-frame. Due to the outer frame backpack is very inconvenient to travel in the mountains and forests, so it’s generally recommended to use the inner frame travel backpack. For instance, we generally recommend men choose the 70-80L travel bags and women choose 40-50L when they hiking. For the travel bag, it’s best to have a detachable waist bag or small bag that you can put your belongings in it and leave the bags at the camp. In this way, you can be hiking pack light.
According to the volume of travel bags, generally can be divided into large, medium and small three capacity of travel bags. The large-sized bag is above 50 litres, suitable for long-distance travel and other professional adventure activities. The medium-sized travel bags are generally between 30~50 litres and very can choose it when you have a 2-4 days trip or the DIY long trips but without camping. It can hold some clothes and daily necessities to meet your needs. There are many kinds and types of the medium travel bag, some bags have added side pockets to make it easier to separate items at the same time. The small-sized travel bag below the 30 litres, these travel bags are generally used in the city, it also appropriates for 1-2 days of the outing.